Vinayak is a #techbro passionate about computer systems and is primarily a backend developer. He is currently working at LinkedIn as a Backend Engineer working on Flyte, an open source ML orchestrator. He graduated from NYU Courant, studying Computer Science in 2022.
His other areas of interest are finance (took a risk and portfolio management course in grad school), psychology (took a psychology 101 course online), neuroscience (listens to the huberman labs podcast), and arts (used to sketch and do graphic design long long ago).
He also worked under Prof. Aurojit Panda at NYU, developing a tool that enables users to generate video datasets as per their requirements, and allows experimenters to utilize the tool to detect anomalies and characteristics of video analysis models.
In his free time, Vinayak is currently learning Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and actively volunteers at 18 Reasons, a non-profit cooking school on a mission to empower our community with the confidence and creativity needed to buy, cook, and eat good food. When he is not socializing or playing a sport, he dreams of having a startup that brings a positive changes to the society.